Sir Render Characters

Meet the characters of ‘Sir Render – The Cowardly Knight’ which appears in Monster Fun comic each month.

Sir Rodney Render

Rodney Render is a mild mannered pig scat collector and all round scaredy cat. This withering wuss hails from the medieval village of Grotbottom during the dark ages (of course, he’s scared of the dark.) When Rodney accidentally becomes a knight of the realm, our hapless zero finds himself fleeing from fierce dragons, wetting his codpiece at ghastly goblins and sobbing uncontrollably in the face of fear. The only thing weaker than his resolve is his bladder!

Boilbott the Pustular

Boilbott is Grotbott’s resident wizard and is as mad as a basket of cabbages. After being bullied and humiliated for the umpteenth time by pesky orcs, the lumpy old fool creates ‘The Sacred Slingshot of Mount Doomspire.’ This legendary catapult can only be wielded by the most fearless and courageous of warriors. What could possibly go wrong?

Conrad the Courageous

Well, if it isn;t the most fearless and courageous of warriors! Chiselled hunk Conrad slays dragons before breakfast, pummels vicious trolls before lunchtime and rescues damsels in distress after his nap in the afternoon. Swoon! Just look at those flowing locks…

Dork the Orc

Dork the Orc is a rotten old bully who likes nothing more than terrorising the inhabitants of Grotbottom. He and his not so merry gang of sycophants spend their days stealing broomsticks, trashing potion shops and being the bane of Boilbott the Pustular’s life!

Mum (Glenda Render)

Mum – beneath Rodney‘s mums rough as toast exterior and frequent tantrums beats a heart of pure gold. Glenda is very protective of her beloved son and may also have a bit of a soft spot for Boilbott – yuck!

Brenda Render

Brenda Render is the Render family’s beloved pet pig, sadly the feelings are not mutual.

More character bios coming soon, to spoil them would be profoundly silly.

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